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Topic: Corresponding Squares
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JungJoeUnited States flag
Does anyone out there use corresponding squares while playing chess? It seem to me to be very complicated. If its a good system, I do not mind putting out the effort to try and learn, but...

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I don't think you need it yet. The question to ask would be how frequently are you reaching pure king and pawn endings? (or positions where you need to know whether to simplify to one)

Personally I hadn't heard of it, it was nice to see this formalized

ketchuploverUnited States flag
never heard of it :-/

elcheCanada flag
neither I :-O

razomanPhilippines flag
From Wikipedia:Corresponding squares are squares of reciprocal (or mutual) zugzwang. They occur most often in king and pawn endgames, especially with triangulation, opposition, and mined squares (see Zugzwang#Mined squares). A square that White can move to corresponds to a square that Black can move to. If one player moves to such a square, the opponent moves to the corresponding square to put the opponent in zugzwang (Dvoretsky 2006:15–20)

JungJoeUnited States flag
razoman, you are correct in your wikipedia report. I looked briefly at it, but it does appear to be a bit too much. Understanding the opposition and using pure arithmetic seems more reasonable. As most of us know there are no magic bullets in chess. Chess is rather a lot of hard work, which makes some of us sweet bullets. hum.

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