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Topic: Something about "Mr. Bergman"...
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
phystutordotcom wrote:
When does abuse require an administrative response? If we can block a members messeges we can correct most problems ourselves.

It's best to let Miguel know. Dealing with it yourself solves the problem only for you; if Miguel gets a bunch of complaints about the same person, he can warn them that their behaviour is unacceptable and, if necessary, remove them from the site. That solves the problem for everyone.


miguelUnited States flag
Ivan, please drop it. Nobody has seen the exchange you and Bergman had except me, you aren't being fair when you only show one side of the conversation. You can continue asking for support here all you want, but I'm just going to say that it isn't helping your case at all.


phystutordotcomUnited States flag
It is important to rememebr that for players hoping to become a USCF master bergman is an important resource. His wiilingness to play weaker players is an important contribution. I have not varified the validity of what Ivan has said. I assume he is honest. However, the accusations are not that serious. All that is needed is the ability to ignore them. After 2 years of teaching in a juvinile detention center I can ignore almost anything. However, I strongly support expanding the power of the ignore option. I think that if there is going to be a sanction it should be on an individual basis. Ivan should have the ability to prevent anyone he wants from sending him a messege.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I understand Miguel's goal of discretion. In fact Ivan should have appealed to Miguel before he went public. However I enjoy a good debate. These forums have become a bit dull.

FerreiraAzevedoEngland flag
phystutordotcom wrote:
""It is important to rememebr that for players hoping to become a USCF master bergman is an important resource.""

No he isn't .......

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