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Topic: cancelled games
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Instead of canceling some of the games and cuasing a few people a problem, It seems all games were cancelled causing everyone a problem.

tewaldUnited States flag
Miguel had to back up about a month. I'm sure it was very complex, and would have been even more so had he tried to retain as many games as possible. Certainly none of us are happy with it (unless someone was on a particularly bad streak), but Miguel did his best. While an unhappy solution, this is probably the fairest.

ChezzdevilBelgium flag
Win some lose some, now they're all cancelled with no rating change, statistically it must be about the same, anyway life goes on

Amici Sumus, Serge

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I am more interested in winning tournamnets than my rating. I dont understand why he had to cancel any games. Why not replay (resume)the games in progress as of the date he restored to?

CthulhuFrench Polynesia flag
QA-Anniversary-06 and QA-Anniversary-07 were the only tournaments with ongoing games and coming rounds for me. With a lot of invested time I still had 100% in 06 after 6 rounds and was fighting for the win in a hard and very interesting endgame vs BRUTUS. Now is all cancelled!? It seems to be a very bad joke.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
phystutordotcom wrote:
Why not replay (resume)the games in progress as of the date he restored to?

That would be unfair because it would allow people to correct mistakes they made first time round.

We're all upset because something we put a lot of time and effort into (our chess games) got destroyed but I'm sure Miguel's just as upset because something he put a lot of time and effort into got destroyed, too.


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