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Topic: cancelled games
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tewaldUnited States flag
My chess buddy from this site, aknightout, had just hit 2100 for the first time! Now he's back to 1999. That's just the way it goes. He'll beat me a few more games and work his way back up...

mobeUnited States flag
Lorfman wrote....not acceptable and goodbye

S*** happens and quitting when something doesn't go your way...now that is not acceptable behavior...

QA is a great site. I do not understand why anyone would leave this site because of this problem....

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I think Lorfman behavior is acceptable. He invested a tremondous amount of time in those tournaments. When Lorfman plays someone over 2500 it is possible that he spends more than 30 hours per game. If it happened once it can happen again. I imagine Lorfman is condidering other options. ICC has correspondance chess. He might prefer to play there even if it is not free. (OH My username is Nickerson if anyone joins and mentions my name I get 2 free months)

Most players at Lorfmans level have a semi pro attitude. Where they play is often determined by who gives them the best deal.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Back in the mid-1960’s I had a correspondence game involving a Q-sac for positional consideration that I spent nearly two years on that was annotated by John W. Collins and published in Chess Review magazine. I was pretty excited about that but when I went to the chess club out of 20 or so players two saw it. Out of 10 or 12 postal opponents only one commented, “Nice game.” That’s when I realized my correspondence games meant nothing to anybody but me. I also realized correspondence ratings, even ‘official’ ones, are meaningless to everyone except the owner. Proof: I have a database with all my CC games of the last 50+ years in it, including some with otb GM’s and former participants in the US closed championship back when it was a round robin…anybody want to see them? Of course you don’t. The point: It’s only a game.

tewaldUnited States flag
If you've annotated them, I'd like to see them, Odie. ;-) Especially if they're in the French, Tarrasch, or KIA.

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