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Topic: cancelled games
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
In defense of Lorfman, he did not take the "ball." He has in no way impaired our ability to enjoy this site. Furthermore he did express gratitude.

Why do you play correspondance chess? If corr. chess is your primary goal you concern is valid. However I play Corr. chess to improve my over the board play. For 3 years I did not play over the board games but I played 2000 games here. When I returned to over the board chess my playing strength had improved by mre than 200 points USCF. I am disappointed that I wont be able to play the finals I qualified for. But What I really care about is USCF chess. Miguel cancelled the finals but he did not erase the chess knowledge I gained by playing in rounds 1 and 2.

If I only cared about USCF chess I select different games and tournaments here. So, my corr chess goals are important to me, but not as important as my USCF goals.

It is also important to remember that this site is free. Pay sites might have a staff to search out and prevent the computer problem that caused our problem

mobeUnited States flag
Steve you are missing the whole point. Are my comparisons silly...yes...are they off the wall...yes...are the accurate...yes....

Observing someone actions and behavior in small things gives you a good insight on how they conduct their life.

I hope Loftman's reaction was just a kneejerk reaction. I hope Loftman continues to play chess on QA. I played Loftman twice and lost both games and I learned from both. If you Steve or Loftman wants to go to another site because you feel the other site is better for you I accept that behavior/decision but I will never accept any behavior of throwing up your arms and quitting because something went wrong.

And yes phystutordotcom your right Lofman did give QA his gratitude. I was not trying to attack Loftman personally but I am attacking the behavior/decision of just leaving this site because something didn't go the way you wanted it to go.

Its not so much what happened as what is likely to happen in the future. And what happened is a good indicator
The decision to simply wipe out all the progress made by sp many people for so long seems to have been taken so easily.
"Sorry guys, had a bit of a hiccough so I thought I'd wipe out everyone's games and all the current progress - seems fair that way."


Phys, when I play, I play fo fun and I like to achieve (that's a good part of the fun!) It makes it more rewarding to have 'targets' to aim at. Tournament progress and grading increases are a reflection of the effort I've made - and that effort has been quite considerable.

Hence my results probably mean more to me than yours do to you. Especially since virtually ALL my progress since joining has been wiped out.


phystutordotcomUnited States flag

My progress means a great deal to me but the progress I really care about is my over the board rating. My USCF rating increased from 1803 to 2012. This increase means I can play tournaments and for free. In the past year I have played in 12 tournaments and won more than I paid in entry fees.

You can see from my stats page that I keep a record of my QA tournament success. So I am very disappointed by the cancelled tournaments.

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