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Topic: How can I get more people to practice endgames with me?
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Everyone I have asked agree that endgames are important. Yet, very few will practice with me. Those that do practice only select endgames that I post. I fear that they will lose interest. If they also posted endgames that they are interested in or just cut and paste the fen I provide and played the other side I think they would remain interested longer. What can I do.

I could have posted this message exactly, myself! Indeed, a couple of monthas ago I nearly did. I've been looking around the Internet for 'endgame tournaments' without success.

What can you do? Start a movement yourself. The way things would normally go is that if you put in a lot of work you'll get a few people along for the ride and thank you muchly but you won't get anything much out of it yourself.

I can think of ways of organising such tournaments where you can get just as much out of them as anyone else but some careful, creative thought is needed.


phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Wow, I dont even know how to structure an endgame tournamnet. Since you start at an endgame how do you score. Suppose you start at philidors position. if it is a draw the side without the pawn had the more difficult task in holding the draw. but they both score a half point. If you start at Lucena's position you cant penalize the side that loses.

In the meantime you might select the endgames I have posted in open games, or challange me with an end game you want to practice. You can also challange me with an fen in the title of any game I have posted with colors reversed

Ahah! I'm guessing that it is possible to specify a start position in something called an 'open game' right? This I didn't know.

So, I gather you've been posting some endgame positions which you like to play out; some have been accepted but you'd like more - and ideally for others to initiate a few positions. The idea being to beef up your endgame ability in a more interesting (and more effective!) wasy than reading BCE. Have I read this right? Please corect me and fill in any more if I'm wrong.


My idea of an ideal endgame tournament:-

Six (or so) players join an all-play-all and each is given a position which would be considered an endgame against each of the other players. 1-game each, 5 games in total. After that, the tournament runs just like any other.

I have a real liking for tournamets (as opposed to pick-up games) hence my thoughts here.

The problem with this type of tournament is that it doesn't exist and I know no way of organising one which isn't clunky or home-brewed enough to dissuade most people from taking part.

It wouldn't be all that much work for an interested and enthusiastic player to organise such an event (even a regular one) if the programming were there - which to my knowledge it isn't - anywhere!

Any thoughts on that?


phystutordotcomUnited States flag
You understand my motivations completely.

I will participate in your tournament if you organize it, but I am not the guy to organize such a tournament. I posted an explanation of fen notation did you read that.

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