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no. 162
2k5/4P3/2K5/b7/8/8/7B/8 b - - 0 1
No 143 looks like Bf3 Be8 (due to the threat of Bc6) Bc6 anyway, and I don't see any tricks for black. If the king has to capture on c6 he still can get to c7 to guard the queening square.
no 144 seems to be the same situation but even worse for black, so am I missing something obvious?
Missed that it was black to move in 144. I'd play Kc5 so that the c6 square is covered. Then just wiggle the bishop
no 145. Bf5 is forced as it is the only move to threaten getting to the long diagonal in time. White would answer with Kf3 I assume, blocking the e4 square. Black king can support the square with Kd5. it blocks the diagonal, but also allows tempo gain with Be4+. Bf5 Kf3 Kd5 a2 Be4+ Ke3 and the black king can't hold the bishop and unblock the diagonal :( Can't see the draw for black there.
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