| Message |
diagrams 163,164,165,166,167
8/8/2K5/k7/p7/P3B3/8/8 w - - 0 1 & no. 164
8/Bpk5/8/P2K4/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
5K2/k7/4P1p1/8/8/8/4b3/8 w - - 0 1
8/1pPK3b/8/8/8/6k1/8/8 w - - 0 1 & 166
no. 163. I see that white can get to b4 and take a4, but I can't see how white gets the black king off a8/b8. Then I looked at starting by white trying to push black down... Kb7 Kb5 Bb6 Kc4 Ka6. That seems better, but can't tell in my head whether white can take the pawn and keep black out of a8/b8
whybish I provide the fen you can challange me with any of these.
no. 167
8/8/8/8/2B5/K3P2p/8/3k4 w - - 0 1