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Topic: Wont accept draw due to slow internet.
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
It takes longer to get to the next game when your move completes the game that is on your screen. So, when my oppponent offers a draw in a hopelessly drawn position, I decline, and offer a draw with my move. Now that my opponents know this trick I wonder if they will decline and offer a draw on their move. How many times will this happen before one of us has the patience to accept? :-(O)

tewaldUnited States flag
Good grief, physie...who cares about the extra few seconds? You're in the US (Jersey, I think), not in a third-world country where a few extra seconds might mean you'll get disconnected. :-P

aknightoutCanada flag

Life is precious and Phystutordotcom is a busy guy. I think we should all 3 play in a tournament together and see how many draws we get. What do you say? ;-)

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
My endgame practice has distorted my percentage of draws. I draw about 10% of my games, But roughly half of the endgames I practice are draws. If we had a tournament chances of me having no draws in the first round is about 50%.

tewaldUnited States flag
Graham, Physie beats me too easily. I think I've won one game out of - maybe 20? As to his being busy: He can't be TOO busy, since he makes so many posts here. Or maybe that's why he's busy?

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