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White is not allowed to castle. Black may castle
Noroc wins. White cant castle. I hope this riddle leads to a willingness to use fen notation
Why doesn't white castle??
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w kq - 0 1
The lower case letters refer to black. at the end it says w kq - 0 1
w means it is whites turn. kq means black can castle king side or queen side. A normal game starts KQkq. - means enpassent is possible on no square 0 I think means 0 moves applicable to the 50 move draw rule. 1 means first move of game.
After moving c2-c4 the enpassant token is written as: c3 Why not shorter c? We know black has to move next, so enpassant can only be on row 3!
Instead of b kq c3 0 1
Shorter b kq c 0 1
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