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tucotUnited States flag
Almost as important as not cheating is being courteous. When I played you, phystutordotcom, you forfeited me the first time I was two minutes late with a move, and then when I complained you stiffed me. You are clearly more concerned with your rating so you can admire yourself in the mirror than with "sportsmanship." So I don't think you are qualified to speak to the subject. Personally, I prefer to play than to try to claim as soon as possible. You think you're going to be invited to play in an international tournament or something if you accumulate enough points? The time control is to give pace to the game, not to forfeit people as soon as their flag falls.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
TUCOT. I presume you would not give me a good sportsmanship score. On a scale 1-5 where would you rate someone who calls a time forfeit immediately? Where would you rate someone who entered the same tournament 4 times? I suppose you might have to rate him several times.

We need a no play list. If Tucot put me on his no play list I would not be able to accept his open games. He would have to remove me from his list, at least temporarily, to enter an auto tournament I was already in. If I entered a tournament he was already in he would be de-registered from the tournament. If I tried to enter a tournament that already had 3 players who had no play listed me, I would be entered in the next tournament instead.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I have over 50 years of correspondence chess experience and have been playing on the internet since there was an internet and have concluded 1) you can’t really prevent multiple accounts. 2) You can’t prevent engine use. I am willing to bet that almost all the top players on any site use engines to some extent. That’s why I mainly play on sites that allow their use because at least I know what I am facing. 3) You know who the really unsportsmanlike people are? Those who complain when their opponent follows the rules. I know what the time limit is going into my games, I abide by it and expect my opponent to do the same. If I overstep it, claim the game because if you overstep that’s what I am going to do. 4) Former US Correspondence Champion Ed Duliba was correct when he observed that some (not all, of course; I've met some pretty nice people) of the crudest and rudest players he ever met haunt the internet.

CorvidaeEngland flag
The biggest problem with internet chess is not being able to shake hands with your opponent!

kookaburraAustralia flag
Nice curve, Corvidae. Maybe someday we may be able to have a holographic handshake or just maybe a governing body like FIDE for Internet Chess. In the meantime we can only hope for a fair shake or fair go from each other. :-) ;-)

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