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CorvidaeEngland flag
I wonder if an annual membership fee would dissuade people from having multiple accounts. This wouldn't prevent the use of engines but would help prevent one person being in a tournament with several names.

kookaburraAustralia flag

Good idea. I wonder how much Miguel is getting from donations whether it's worth all the brickbats and rare bouquets coming his way.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Soon Miguel will have a new option regarding usernames that belong to same person. Suppose Miguel thinks "I_am_schizophrenic" and "So_am_I" are the same person. He could require both to submit a finger print.

RonLyonFrance flag
Asking for a annual membership would be a burden to a fair number of people who: 1. enjoy playing chess here, 2. can't afford it, 3. don't have multiple personality disorder, and 4. contribute to an open, dynamic site. Let's keep it that way. And for those who use the site and can afford it, why not pony up with a donation. (Those with MPD, just multiply the donation amount by your forked & pinned selves.)

kookaburraAustralia flag
Odie_Spud is my man. (See earlier post on this thread.) The schizo, dodger and the cheater rule in Internet Chess. Yet Odie still finds peace playing in his chess corner. He makes sense in a place of nonsense.
Otherwise, to survive you need to be as mad as the Hatter.

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