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Topic: Tata Steel 2014 begins......
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MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
Only Giri - Aronian ended in a draw this round.
All other games were won by white.
Amazing ?:-(

Match of the day (thursday)): Nº1 Aronian vs. Nº2 Karjakin

ggg09Cuba flag
Two rounds to end!

1) Aronian 7p

2-5) Giri, Caruana, Dominguez(CUBA) and Karjakin 5.5p

6-7) Harikrishna and So 5.0p

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
Tomorrow two games between the top seets;
Giri vs. Karjakin &
Aronian vs. Dominguez
Caruana plays white against Naiditsch
and the Nº 6&7 play each other as well:
Harikrishna vs. So

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
Aronian won the tournament after draw with Dominguez (CUBA)v with 8p out of 11 games!
Interesting is second spot;
2.Giri and Karjakin 7p
4.Harikrishna, Dominguez (CUBA), Caruana and So 6.5p

11th. and last round:
Nakamura - Giri
Naiditch - Rapport
So - Caruana
Gelfand- Harikrishna
Aronian - van Wely
Karjakin - Dominguez (CUBA)

MrDJRVDNetherlands flag
Despite losing his last game against Loek van Wely, Aronian won Tata Steel 2014:
1. Aronian 8p
2. Giri and Karjakin 6.5p
4. Caruana, Dominguez and So 6p
7. Harikrishna 5.5p
8. van Wely and Nakamura 5p
10.Gelfand 4.5
11.Naiditsch and Rapport 3.5p

Giri was the only undefeated player (2 wins & 9 draws) while Naiditsch and Rapport were the players drawing less games (both 2 wins, 3 draws and 6 lost)

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