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ClivetheBeardWales flag
What annoys me is the self-righteousness of some of the so-called whistle blowers! :-(

I've got used to the "cheating" ...

Brooke (207 games, 199 wins and above all no defeat !!) is a big cheat because she uses chess engines to beat all her opponents.

And after, she dares to write that Queen Alice is dead.

All the cheats destroy Queen Alice.

>:-( >:-( >:-(

If I were the administrator of Queen Alice, I would banish all the cheats of this website, especially all the players who have over 2300 points.

What is doing the real administrator ?

>:-( >:-( >:-(

Raphael1985France flag
All the cheats destroy Queen Alice.
Players Dodgers too.

1.Players dodgers make new accounts (the same person has more than one account) to manipulate tournaments and increase your Ranking (Rating).
(The same person or player resigns in the first move.Player plays against himself).

2.Players dodgers use chess programs to help to analyze the games.
Now it is increasingly difficult to play chess in the world virtual.Each one web chess, has a player using machines.

LUKK22Martinique flag
Top100 Fide May 2014 = 0 brazilian players
Top25 QueenAlice May2014 = 8 brazilian players
where are the cheater? Mais ou sont les vrais tricheurs = brésiliens, pour la FIDE Brésil = 35° country in QueenAlice is the fisrt...la la ala

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