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Topic: Queen Alice rating for GM, IM and FIDE master.
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redrumAustralia flag
I have played 3 GM's in the past. I lost all 3 games. Playing against a chess engine is as close as its going to get on this site. The real GM's are just not going to waste their time here! Please try & get over this fantasy..!!! :-O

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Having met a lot of GMs I can make the following observations: 1-they do not play chess for fun unless it’s blitz against their peers 2-they do not play correspondence chess and 3-they usually want money when it comes to dealing with us, the rating challenged.

On another site there are a lot of titled players; they play real time, but they avoid us. Once there was a real GM who played CC on the site but she got thrown off for allegedly using an engine. Her motivation was probably to use the site, games and forums to boost her book sales, not to play chess.

Way back when, I was in Rossolimo’s chess studio and nobody else was there, only me and Rossolimo, so I asked him for a game. He said, “I can’t play for nothing. Give me $20.” Another time a bunch of us were analyzing a game at a US Championship and a participant was watching. Somebody asked him what he thought about the position. His reply was, “Show me some money.” After somebody told him what he could do to himself, he wandered off. You simply won’t see titled players on a site like this.

In any case, ratings across various sites simply do not correlate to each other. Depending on where I play my server ratings range from 1200 to 2400. I’d LIKE to think the 2400 is the most accurate, but it ain’t so!

redrumAustralia flag
Very good post spud & very accurate.! :-)

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