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Topic: Your game on QueenAlice will finish in about 550 years.
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
I calculate that the longest possible game on QueenAlice would take a little more than 550 years. I challenge you to either confirm or refute this claim.

norocIceland flag
The maximum is a 14 days/move game.
So we can make 12 moves in a year.
each pawn can move 6 times = 16 * 6 * 50 moves
we can caputure 30 pieces = 30 * 50
So we have a maximum of (96 + 30) * 50 moves = 126 * 50 moves
Deviding the 12 moves per year, we get roughly 126 / 12 * 50 = 500 years.
It seams you are correct :-D
But what when both decided not to claim the win by time %-)

ketchuploverUnited States flag
Hath thou factored in full vacation time?

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
In my calculation there is only 320 days per year due to 45 vacation days.

RustyUnited Kingdom flag
Should that be 275 days as there are 45 vacation days each?

ernesto_cheItaly flag
I don't understand the figures. Why did you multiply by 50? And I think that non-capturing moves aren't taken into account.

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