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Topic: No more Elo style ratings.
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phystutordotcomUnited States flag
Does any one know how to compare ratings between FIDE, USCF, ICC, QA?

Replace rating with standard deviations above or below the mean. Maybe the average Russian player is better than the average USA player. But even in that case the proper statistical methods for comparison between groups would apply.

If I high school kid took statistics to better understand chess rankings that would be a great bonus.

redrumAustralia flag
I played a real Russian OTB that said he was very good at Chess a while back. The Russian lost in under 30 moves! The average Russian player is not much better than anyone else IMO.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
If you local school made chess instruction mandatory for all students ages 5 to 18, before long the average chess player in your school would be better than the average player at a school with no chess program.

But that is not the point. More to the point-- if we knew the zcore (relative standard deviation) for several students common to 2 populations say the school and USCF then given the zcore of another player in on group we could determine the zcore in the other. For example if we know Bobs zscore at school we would also no his national zscore.

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