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Topic: Engine User vs Cheater
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TenebrousWitUnited Kingdom flag
The whole point of chess is that it's a game of wit, an exercise for the mind. You clearly have an unfair advantage if you are running positions through an engine during play v the guy who plays as it should be played using his mind only and anyone who tries to justify that use knows this and is a cheat, end of story. Maybe QA could make a room where engines can be used if you want, that way everyone knows the deal.

AdehleGermany flag
that´s a reason but i see a lot of sinsless or unusual turns(e.g. rather than hit with a pawn move pawn beside pawn) and there are a lot of turns which work but you don´t understand the reason and even you use the think about tool there are many unexpecting turns.
So by which facts you want do identify a chess program player?

TenebrousWitUnited Kingdom flag
That's the problem, you can't prove definitively that someone is using an engine unless you go over their back catalogue of games and can identify a pattern or see that they always win. The reason some people use them is because it is difficult to identify an engine user. I'm always suspicious of the guy who never puts a foot wrong over a series of games. If you run the games of someone you suspect of using a engine through a engine and every move they make is a top move according to said engine then you have every reason to suspect them. Personally I have never used an engine as I don't find it fun or get a sense of achievement if I'm letting a computer pick my moves for me, just pointless imo. I'm sure there are people who can identify the signs of an engine user better than I can.

I believe that the technology is killing the real spirit or wit of this game! This game was invented for the mind, not for chess engine! It's a shame to use chess engine >:-( ?:-( Who use it, is for me unable to play chess. I don't play chess very good, but I'm sure to play chess! The chess game it's very much more that a game. It's a science, a philosophy, a Wise Master of life.
I prefer to play with a person and lose the game that to win a chess-engine.
I wish a good new-year to everyone :-)

tewaldUnited States flag
In correspondence, using a book is legal, so using a database is legal, too, since it's basically an automated book, at least in the openings. So finding out that 40% of masters and above do THIS move, instead of THAT move is legal. It's still my decision as to whose moves I will follow. Asking the computer to decide on the best move is not legal, though. This is how I understand it; feel free to let me know if I'm wrong.

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