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Topic: What's going on here?
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SuperChessRussia flag


then has a hard game with 1600 play hummm


Blind_BeholderBrazil flag
No big deal... if you analise the games... One are won by a blunder... the player resigned.
The other are by time... (that could happen to anyone)
The last one, was really a fight (after mistakes)...
But then again... that could happen... sometimes %-)

tewaldUnited States flag
Actually, SuperChess's comments on June 9th might help in another area. Let's say, for example, I play an unrated player. I'm at 2157 at the moment. I lose the first game. Since he's unrated, my rating is not affected, but his shoots up to probably 2300p or more. Then I win the second game. Well, hey, I just beat a 2300 player! So mine goes up a large amount. That's really not good. Maybe Miguel could set the program to have unrateds only play lower rated players in the Open tourneys, and disallow their playing higher-rated players in personal challenges. Unfortunately, this might discourage some good players from starting here, which is probably why Miguel hasn't already instituted this idea. What do you think, Miguel? You're the boss. ;-)

SuperChessRussia flag
Blind_Beholder i disagree, games are too short and seems to be easy wins!

miguelUnited States flag
As soon as the server issues are over I promise I will review the rating system and make changes... Right now I have other priorities. :-/


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