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Topic: What's going on here?
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GambitsharkIceland flag
One of the solutions is that player with no rating should only start in tournament.. against players rated under 1500-1900
New members always should start in tournament with limited ELO

Blind_BeholderBrazil flag
The best "system" I have seem, was like this:

New Players can only play on "New players tournament" (where all players are new in the site)
New players can play Open Games (only those who the host allow "New Members", or "invitation" games)
New Players can play Open Games, that he/she create with any "criteria" he/she like...

Initial ratings should be "about" 1500, going up (or down) fast in the first 25 games...
And tournaments have a litle more room of "ratings", for example, begginers can play from 0 to 1600, "medium players" can play from 1300 to 2000, "advanced players" can play from 1700 to 2400, an "ELITE" 2200+


I see many tornaments "elite" that new players joins, and begin to blunder in the third move...
As I see reaaly strong master playing in "begginer" tournaments...

That could be tweaked...

(Sorry for my bad english... :-P)

SuperChessRussia flag
good idea

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