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Topic: Fovorite response to e4?
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gameloverBelgium flag
1.c5 is one of the strongest responses to e4 but it has a little downside.In about 80%of the games you get an anti sicillian line,wich is perhaps very frustrating but NONE of them gives white an opening advantage,so just good openingknowledge gives you at least an equal game

AlopintoColombia flag
Curiously enough, I started playing the Sicilian at this website. Before that I only responded with 1...e6. My problem with the Sicilian is that the pawn structures are too fluid for my taste and the games that develop are too dynamic for me. However, it is a great opening and I respect it a lot.

alib2004Philippines flag
I always play e5... i'm more classical. This usually leads to early piece exchanges. I play better on end games.

TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
Chesser_Cat: Are you aware of any good books on the Nimzovich? Good luck with yours.

Pascal: Don't you find the Petroff to be dull/drawish?

If you are a man, you must at some point in your chess career play the French Defense! ;-) but you still should.

floridaflagUnited States flag
c6 first move in response to e4 or d4 after exchange or by-pass develope the bishop fast!...

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