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Topic: Fovorite response to e4?
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TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
That will be news to Naka, Ian Rogers and several other fine players. :-D

AlopintoColombia flag

Are you a die-hard centre counter player too?


TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
He** no! I will play it occasionally for a change of pace.

AlopintoColombia flag
I wouldn't even consider playing that opening with Black... :-)

Chesser_CatEngland flag
Hi Green Bishop and everyone,

On the Nimzovich, 1.e4 Nc6, I have five books.

"The Nimzovich Defense" Hugh Myers 1973
"Nimzovich Defence" Kapitaniak 1980
"Nimzowitsch Defence" Tim Harding 1981
"The Nimzovich Defense" Hugh Myers 1995
1...Nc6, Igor Berdichevsky 2004

There is also a CD-ROM on it by Myers.

The best one? Myers 1995 book.

Hoping this is of some interest. :-)

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