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Topic: The NB-RP exchange at f2 or f7
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alib2004Philippines flag
i agree that exchanging your NB vs a RP in the early stage of the game is a bad idea. This is how I interpret my chess reading so far.

1. The attack does not make any positional advantage.
2. 2 minor pieces for 1 is in itself not equal.
3. You limited your control of the squares on the board.

In this case, I also agree that you need to keep your king safe immediately after the attack and as a counter play, move out your minor pieces on the board as quickly as possible. Take note that if you attack a square you now have an advantage because you now have 1 minor piece advantage which can translate to pawn captures or more threats on the board.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a game yet played in this manner in queenalice but I have played this game in OTB and won it in the middle game.

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