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Topic: ties in a tournament
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WinnawerUnited States flag
In Tournament Master 125, Catalin and myself are going to tie after round 2. But I have already played 4 games against catalin in this tournament. I have won 2 and drawn 1 for 2.5 points to 1.5. Am I going to be the winner based on this? (this is one of the tiebreak criteria in OTB Chess.) I have not seen any info on tiebreak procedure in these tournaments.

miguelUnited States flag
Tie-break procedures are explained in the About page.


WinnawerUnited States flag
So you are telling me Catalin will win the tourney because he is higher rated? I won 2 drew 1 and lost 1 against him (he is 200 pts above me) and he will win ahead of me. So let me get this straight? You score 2.5 out of 4 against someone 200pts above you and he wins the tournament? That is bloody rubbish.

miguelUnited States flag
No, you didn't get it right.

Ratings have nothing to do with tournaments, the only time ratings are used to decide a tie-break is when the first tie-break method came up as a draw.

The first tie-break works like this: the one of you that faced tougher opposition will be declared the winner. If both faced equally stronger opposition then the winner will be the one with the higher rating.


WinnawerUnited States flag
Being that I faced tougher opposition than catalin(we were in both rounds together, he is higher rated, therefore I faced tougher opposition)And I was told by Miguel in his last post that what happened is not how it is done. Catalin and I tied round 1 so we both went to round 2. We tied in round 2 as well. In the 4 games we played I won 2 lost 1 and drew 1. I therefore outplayed him and faced stronger opposition. Yet just as I said in my last post, rating is the only thing that matters. I am disgusted with this and will be resigning the remainder of my games and saying goodbye to you all. You are a liar miguel and don't understand the first thing about chess tournaments. Of course this post will be erased immediately I am sure.

miguelUnited States flag

You are a liar miguel

No, I'm not.

You said:

Being that I faced tougher opposition than catalin(we were in both rounds together, he is higher rated, therefore I faced tougher opposition)

So you are measuring how strong your opposition was in terms of your own rating? That doesn't make any sense.

This is what I said:

If both faced equally stronger opposition then the winner will be the one with the higher rating

In this tournament you both faced equally stronger opposition. If you disagree then please read the about page so that you understand what that means and how it is computed.

Of course this post will be erased immediately I am sure.



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