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Topic: Sicilian defense - weaknesses and strengths
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alib2004Philippines flag
I have been playing Sicilian for quite sometime now and just learned this by playing here in queenalice.

While I have no reading on this, nor have any readings on the anti-sicilian openings for white, can someone advise what you think are the best lines that can be carried out in using the Sicilian and if I am white how can I break it...

I read some articles on the Yugoslav attack and just heard of the Dragon accelerated but really don't have a thorough understanding of these lines.

GO ahead... shoot your ideas. (A diagram can also be helpful :-D )


Blind_BeholderBrazil flag
Good stuff here --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicilian_Defence

I like the Dragon/Youguslav...There are some beautifull games on this line.

For sicilian games I suggest you learn the classical, Dragon and Najdorf lines...

For anti-sicilian I like the Morra Gambit... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith-Morra_Gambit
The C3 system (Alapin) is also a good choice against sicilian...


toguintsPhilippines flag
i would like to post a link to a site that discusses chess openings in a very interactive way, complete with explanations and stuff. it's not a chess playing site, so i don't think it would be a competition over this site. but still, can i get your nod on this, miguel? thanks

gillou91France flag
if you want to play an anti sicilina with white play d4 :-(O)

tewaldUnited States flag
Alib, how can you ask? After trying to beat you for over a year, I finally won ONE game: My (modified) KIA beat your Sicilian. ;-)

Of course, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to happen again...

pushpwanPhilippines flag
dude.. as white u may try also to enter the Sicilian rossalimo.. the main lone is.. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 4. Bb5....

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