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Topic: Best Defence??
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Firstly, I would like to thank Miguel for making this chess site a great place for me to learn chess with nice chess players from around the world.
I have had the pleasure of getting a first rate lesson by mandaragit already.
My question to you long time players is what is the best defence to play?
Oh by the way, if you don't mind playing with a youngster send me a challenge. I will try not to make it too easy for you. Practice makes perfect.

voltesfivePhilippines flag
Best defence ? hmmm....For me every defence are good .Only thing it going to be best defence the way you play the game.You have to be comfortable & familliar with the lines.Because some players they open in different ways,so if your not familliar with his/her opening sooner or later she /he crushes you with in 5 moves.If you are beginner in chess if your opponent opened in e4 ,reply it e5.If he opened d4 reply Nf6 or d5.Its up you which one is comfortable to you.

AlopintoColombia flag
The question is too open ended because it may refer to openings repertoire as Black (e.g., best defence against 1.e4 or 1.d4), critical positions where you have to fight like a dog, an endgame where you are material down but can hold the draw with 'only' moves, etc. In regards to openings I don't really think that there is a 'best defence' but openings that you either understand or not. Clearly, play what you understand and make you feel comfortable and do repairs on the opening as the games progress.

OnceuponEngland flag
Wait until your opponent's back is turned, then climb out the window.

azarisFinland flag
Very nice, Onceupon. There's also the Ultimate Prophylactic Defense - play slowly until your opponent gets tired and leaves to use the restroom. Then make your move, follow your opponent to the facilities and lock him inside. Return to the board and wait for your opponent's flag to fall.

TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
RocknRoll, if you are a beginner, I would recommend e5 as black. Double king pawn is the way to go to learn chess properly. Against d4, I recommend the Tarrasch. This defense will teach you how to play with the isolated queen pawn which is a very important, thematic concept/position to know.

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