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Topic: Wikispaces and chess
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becoBrazil flag
Dear all,

After some time, and a lot of work to review WIKI sites I found one that has the same community spirit as Queen Alice.

A "wiki" for who dont know, is a simple site as any other. The main difference is that you create a group of people (or make it public) that can edit the very site!

That means, if you want to include news or articles, or pictures, or whatever, you choose one of the site pages and click the "edit" button that every page has. Than you write what you want.

Ok, now why Wikispaces is special?

Well, every wiki-farm site (that means sites that can host your wiki and a lot of others wikis, in differents subjects) has a sintax to write.

Wikispaces has a very simple sintax.

A wiki-farm can have only text mode, but Wikispaces has a visual editor also.

Wikispaces is free (and you can pay as well if you want some more options, but...)

You can stick in the free use, and still you have unlimited amount of space to build your own wiki.

You can put embed media, like googlevideo, youtube, clocks, googlecalendar (to share events with your group), Odeo Podcast, Gabbly Chat room,
skype status, BlipTV (dont ask me what is this!), Slideshow...

This will all look nice in your wiki...

But still, is there anything else why I am writing about this, and about chess?

Oh yeahs!

This is the first wiki-farm site in the world (yeahs, I believe that after months looking for this), that has an embed media PGN viewer!

We (our chess club that I am one of the admins) made a wiki (at 8/may/2006) there, and in that ocasion we asked the support team of wikispaces to add this feature.

Well, they did! You can very very easily create a wiki, and create a page that has a beautifull blue chess board that can show your PGN (that you can upload).

It is simple as write this in you page:

[[media type="mychess" key="filename.pgn"]]

Ok, I wrote a lot of things it can do. Let us clarify the most important feature using our wiki as example (it is in portuguese, but you can see the features):

Our wiki home page is:


In the news section, there is a english news talking about this PGN viewer feature. You can read here:


And you can see one how the PGN viewer (MyChess) works and follow this beautiful game
Alexander Alekhine versus Eugene Borovsky (1933), here:


Than you can understand what I mean! To make this nice board to appear, you just need to upload the pgn file (lets say alekhinexborovsky.pgn) to your wiki, and then write the tag:

[[media type="mychess" key="alekhinexborovsky.pgn"]]

Now you want to see how it looks like a chat room:


Or do you want to see Kasparov teaching the Najdorf oppening (from YouTube):



Ok, I think this is enough marketing! I needed to say that, because the way the Wikispaces team welcome our chess sites. They host sites about everything, from cooking to airplanes, and they made a major change to put a PGN viewer to the wikispaces (not anything, but the best viewer today, in my opinion - MyChess - and in opinion of great sites like the olympics and Kramnik).

I hope you can enjoy this site like we are enjoying.

And for who is new to wiki, remember: a wiki is a group work. It is no sense to create a wiki for a single person, if you do not plan to make people free to edit it. Wiki is not a good tool to create, for example, a personal homepage that only you will edit. But still, yeahs, you can do it.

The best thing to do however is to join efforts. Find some wikis you like, join and help to create a bigger one!

Visit the main page at:



PS. Clube-de-xadrez is for now only in portuguese, and the members of the wiki should be also members of our discussion list. So, if you like to join us, first take a look at:

O Clube-de-xadrez é em português, e os membros do wiki devem ser também membros da nossa lista de discussão. Então, se você se interessou e está querendo participar, primeiro visite a lista de discussão (endereço do yahoo acima) e se cadastre.



RayDuque3United States flag
Thanks beco, sounds nice. How can we/I register to Wiki or Wikispace? I'm looking for more sites. Did you visit my web sites? Thanks if you visited it.

Ray Duque III
New York City

whitekingsSingapore flag
Sounds cool.

I'm a contributor to Wikipedia.

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