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Topic: Down time
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becoBrazil flag

Thanks, everything is fine now...

But can I ask something: could you give us another site or forum, or email to contact you, when this things happen we can keep informed?

Because when it goes down we cannot post in the foruns, and even you email miguel@queenalice.com replied me a delivery error, so we just waited blind.

Maybe you have some personal blog, another forum, (or even orkut) you could post some news during the blackout time we can read and be cool.


floridaflagUnited States flag
contact via email to support@queenalice.com, I did that might get noticed

becoBrazil flag
Hi florida,

Sometimes the email also stops responding, that was the case here. The domain "@queenalice.com" stoped and I received a undelivered error.

I was thinking in some other channel completely independent of Queen Alice, just in case.

Thanks for your attention in this subject,

Mick_GrayEngland flag
I was wondering why the time limit kept going upwards, not downwards. Thanks for keeping us informed :-)

miguelUnited States flag
The problem seems to be some sort of denial of service attack, the server doesn't crash but it is so busy it can't respond. I can't guarantee it won't happen again unfortunately...

I will make some changes to the DNS to ensure that the domain remains reachable even when the server is down. This is mostly lazyness on my part, I'm running the DNS on the same server as the site itself, I will set up additional DNS servers in the following days.


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