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Topic: Frase de Xadrez.
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RIVASArgentina flag
Hans Kmoch: The battle for the ultimate truth will never be won. And that's why Chess is so fascinating

RIVASArgentina flag
Aaron Nimzovich: The passed Pawn is a criminal, who should be kept under lock and key. Mild measures, such as police surveillance, are not sufficient

RIVASArgentina flag
Lev Polugayevsky: A sensation, hidden in the depths of my emotional memory, was suddenly revived: what if... What if for me The Variation is not dead? If The Variation is alive?!

RIVASArgentina flag
Vladimir Simagin: A game conducted logically and finished off with a beautiful combination - that is my chess ideal.

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Bobby Fischer: I don't believe in psychology. I believe in good moves!

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