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Topic: How does he do it?
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bohinkyUnited States flag
campbellmarcel has as of today -- dec 11, 06 -- 540 open games.

He is a marvel!!!

whitekingsSingapore flag
I'm playing a few games with him.

Ask him. For all you know, there may be people playing thousands of games.

I can handle 60-80 games.

bohinkyUnited States flag
I have asked him. We have discussed it. He is remarkable and I have told him so. Still I marvel at it.

You say you can handle 60-80 games. Add 500 to that.

The sheer time it requires is stunning -- even assuming an average of a minute a move.

whitekingsSingapore flag
According to him, how is he able to manage so many games?

Consider the time limits for the games.

Since I play all my games at 7 days per move, if I play 70 games simultaneously, I can easily manage by moving in only 10 games every day. (Of course, I have to be careful not to run out of time.)

BigAlexBrazil flag
he apparently ran out of time with me once

GambitsharkIceland flag
ITs just crazy to do this and for great energy..ofcourse he must sometimes run out of time, hope that his brain not also run out!..I remember that I saw 1-2 guys here play 100-200 games but over 500!!!.. ?:-(

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