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Topic: What else do you guys do besides playing chess?
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BoeingBrazil flag
I have a company of materials of constution.
Game soccer veteran, I take care of mine 3 children.
I live in Florianópolis-Sc Brazil.
I have 39 years 2 of my children I play in the queenalice. (Pedrinho III and Atomic) :-)

Be0wulfPhilippines flag
I do weight lifting at our company's gym. Go to the malls and watch movies. Do or practise some webpage development. Work and then I play chess on-line and actual games the rest of my time.

alib2004Philippines flag
Other than chess, I am pursuing a masters degree and also play bowling, basketball, badminton and watch movies. But most of the time, I'm at work :-X

JimMorrissonIceland flag
I play chess in the winter but in the summer i play golf

razomanPhilippines flag
No more golf for me,no more consulting jobs for me so its all chess,chess and more chess to stimulate the damaged brain cells after I suffered a stroke 2 years ago. so chess is my therapy.

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