Topic: BUG Report - Invalid Promotion
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Hello, i would like to report a bug that just happened in my game and, by the way, isn't allowing me to play.
My opponent, gamnascimento, made two moves in his last round by getting to the 'promotion option' but instead of completing the promotion, he moved his king in the backgroung and pressed move. The game allowed him to move both pieces but his promotion wasn't completed.
The problem now is that i can't make any move at all because i'm stucked in the promotion option. Even if i try to promote his peon to something, i get this message: Invalid move. Please try again.
link is here: http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=191149
sry for bad english
Ok, thanks. Please don't make any more moves, I'll fix the game and prevent this from happening again.
You can continue with the game now, your opponent found a hole in my "make a move" function that allowed him to make two moves, this is now resolved.