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Topic: The Modern
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tewaldUnited States flag
Kotov wrote "Think Like a Grandmaster". Has Nunn written a book with a similar title?

Count_IsouardKazakhstan flag
Sorry, my mistake. The book is "Secrets of Grandmaster Play" and I believe it contains a couple of Pircs

Count_IsouardKazakhstan flag
Personally I think opening books are a waste of time until you hit master strength ELO. Until then KISS is good IMO. Simple books like Lasker, Morphy, Capablanca and Keres will teach you more than you need to know IMO for openings.

Count_IsouardKazakhstan flag
I still have difficulty with hypermodern systems Bc4 line. I actually have a book by Keene and Botterill called "The Modern Defence" which is ok, but does not compare to any of Nunn's books, even those that contain only a smattering of hypermodern. Nunn explains in detail the rationale for different lines in the modern. There was one GM (one of the only two GMs I've ever played), who was a proponent of hypermodern and had much success with it. Hypermodern btw is a catch-all phrase for Modern, Pirc-Robatsch-Ufimitsev, Alekhine, and Rat. I still play the Rat in 50% of my blitz games on the other server

PhilidorUnited States flag
The Bc4 systems are the first ones you should study, I avoid books and instead study games from Databases (the Tiger variation is a personal favorite of mine) Especially study where white plays the begginner sequence 1.e4,g6 2.Nf3,Bg7 3.Bc4,d6 4.Ng5?! sometimes a preliminary d4 will be thrown in, I avoid the Rat as queen trades happen early and being profficient in major piece endings is something I want to avoid as a general rule.

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