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Topic: The best players
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zoki74Croatia flag
Miguel wrote [My Messages]: "This is the last warning. If you don't stop writing posts about the Roswell issue I will take action against you. Is that clear?" [Zoki wrote: Of course, "mister general", but, what is with my the 1'st amendment's rights ?!]

Ohoho :-) , someone here, does not have a sense for humour.
Don't worry [in that case...], when I will be finished with my active games, then, I leave from this unfair site [likewise as a others QA champions..] , or, if you want that, I can leave now, I don't care anymore... Here, now, we have a lot of bugs, incorrect the rating list, and, at the same time, I don't have [for now..] a adequacy competitions here...[+85;=3;-0 ; or 18 points/19 games {+17;=2 -> 95%} vs players within the "TOP 50 club"; therefore, this is not very interesting for me...] Btw., here, I do not have any problems with players, only with you, and with a various bugs [unfortunately], and, this is a very sad situation... :-(


appalachiaSpain flag
for a one person run privately owned site that is offered for free one should not complain about
such issues...you can ask miguel for anything and maybe he will do it and maybe he won't...it is his site...

zoki74Croatia flag
I was only wrote:
"Well :-) , I think, that the best player here is Mr. Roswell ;-) "...

This is not any the criminal act...[this is only a joke !]


GambitsharkIceland flag
zoki74 wrote:

I don't have a adequacy competitions here...[+85;=3;-0 ; or 18 points/19 games {+17;=2 -> 95%} vs players within the "TOP 50 club"; therefore, this is not very interesting for me...]
I write:
This is not very fun to read...I want to cancal my games to zoki74 and will write Miguel about that if it is possible

zoki74Croatia flag
Well :-) , mister, maybe you are the "adequate strong player" :-) ;-) [finally :-) ]
......[+85;=3;-0 ; or 18 points/19 games {+17;=2 -> 95%} vs players within the "TOP 50 club....
Gambitshark wrote: I want to cancal my games to zoki74...
He-he :-) , don't panic :-D , I'm not Fischer ;-) [only my "the score" ;-) ], and, maybe you can beat me... Maybe ?! ;-)

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