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Topic: Recommended chess books
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ZugzwangedCanada flag
For French Defense players, an excellent book is: "The French Advance" by Tony Kosten.

MikeDohertyCanada flag
Aliwood, first thing people need to know is what your playing strength is, and how you like to move the pieces. My best book by far is Nimzowitch's"My System"which has brought me up to 1900 playing strength.

swayneEngland flag
All it gave me was a headache. Perhaps I should read it again.

AlopintoColombia flag
If you want the bare minimum:

1.Reference book on openings (Dr. Nunn's book, Modern Chess Openings or Batsford Chess Openings.)
2.An encyclopaedic treaty of endgames (Reuben Fine's Basic Chess Endgames or Fundamental Chess Endgames by Muller)
3.A middlegame book (Euwe's or Pachman's book)
4.Tactics (Reinfeld's books or the Vukovic's book)
5.A nice collection of well anotated games (I suggested Bronstein's book but word is Kasparov's book is fantastic...)


exchange_powerCanada flag
"1001 Chess Sacrifices and Combinations" by Reinfeld

This is what I was given by my Chess Coach
years ago but it's full of mistakes and
inaccuaries. A better bet is the book
Sharpen your tactics by Anatoly Lein,
Boris Archangelsky. The newer books are
double checked by computer for mistakes.

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