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Topic: Recommended chess books
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WinclickIceland flag
For the experienced beginner and intermediate players I recommend any of Jeramy Silman´s books. They are highly organized and pleasant to read. Valuable principles are tought in a clear way. I have only seen good critics on them.

AlopintoColombia flag
I honestly haven't read anything by IM Silman but almost every person I have talked to has 1. increased his rating, 2. started to understand better chess.

I don't know if it is the translation but Nimzowitsch is just horribly dense and very difficult to understand (try reading "The blockade") I bought Carslbald 1922 by him and Oh my! Nimzowitsch is so full of himself!

A terrible writer that obscures matters... In regards to Strategy or Middlegame treaties I tend to go for Euwe, Pachman, Kotov and Borovsky (sp?) Silman books should be great because almost every person that has read them is a satisfied customer...


HokZ157United States flag
I have a few books by Fred Reinfeld that I liked. "An Expert's guide to chess strategy" is one I read a while back, and i recall it teaching me a few useful things

PositionalWizardCroatia flag
I would recommend GM Edmar Mednis book: "How to play good opening moves".I recommend it because it will teach you how to play great opening moves without memorizing any variation at all! Author talks about opening principles and gives examples for that principles.If you understand and memorize this principles and play your games (openings) according to them noone could beat you in the opening.That I guarantee. ;-) You will always have nice middlegame....This is the only opening book I use and only opening book I need. :-)

OnceuponEngland flag
Raymond Edwards' Basic Chess Openings - Book 4 (1976, Revised Edition 1981, edited by P. H. Clarke).

It's exactly the right thickness for propping up the leg of my old chess table to stop it wobbling :-P

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