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Topic: Question about Tieing in a Tournament
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Viper_SBCanada flag
This tournament which just finished
Vult0 and I tied in the end (which was cool I made it to the last round :)) BTW good games Vult0 was very fun.

My question is why did he win on score?

What is score based on? Is it score of our games in the tournament? (I got 24 total points and he got 18) Or player rating?

I thought this info was on the site here but I looked and couldn't find it in any of the links on the left.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Its seems the rating thats matter in this on the wrong way..the lower rated player should be the winner in my mind..see this topic:


tehanIndia flag
For the scores, u can refer http://www.queenalice.com/about.php
and look under "Tie-Breaks"

@ Gambitshark
Both the players dont have the same score, so the ratings would not make a difference here.

Viper_SBCanada flag
Hmm if I'm reading the tie break rules right then I should have gotten it?

1. Averaged opponent score: This value is computed by adding the scores obtained by all the opponents in all rounds (ignoring the games played against the player) and dividing the total by the number of games played. The player with the highest value will be the winner, presuming that he/she had a tougher competition.

So the ending score is:
me 22
him 16
divided by 4 (since we don't count the 2 games we played against each other right?)
me 5.5
him 4

what does the x1000 stand for?

tehanIndia flag
its not ur score that is being counted here.
Its the scores of all ur opponents added together.
Ur opponents total is 68 points in 68 games.
and for Vult0 is 66 of 62 games.
so its 68/68*1000=1000 for u and 66/62*1000=1063 approx.
And that makes him the winner.
(hope it is right).

Viper_SBCanada flag
Oh I see, so it's the total of all your games. So where does the 68/68 and 66/62 come from?

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