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Topic: another player wins in 3 moves to get rating 2600!
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georgiaflagUnited States flag
Why do these players do it??!... see the game Mlrochon vs himself with another handle.. WHY?...

PestilenceUnited States flag
I'm not sure, but I think it's to improve their ratings. My guess is that they take their rating a little too seriously.

Forget the fact that falsely bolstering your rating makes it a lie, and taking their own lie seriously seems a little waste of time-ish, but to each his/her own.

It looks like ayrton is in the habit of challenging these people to knock them off that false top spot. Go get 'em ayrton.

georgiaflagUnited States flag
found out Mlrochon is another player 15 year old 1600 rated check and trace it you'll see where the originator is

georgiaflagUnited States flag
Mastermark is Mlrochon who became 2600 what a fake

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