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Topic: Players who resign without making a move
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miguelUnited States flag
I have made a small change that hopefully will reduce the number of players who play many more games that they can possibly handle.

Now you can only join an open tournament if you are playing less than 50 games. This limit doesn't affect non-tournament games, and it also doesn't affect private tournaments.

The change is effective immediately. Let me know what you think.


jahhajUnited Kingdom flag
50 seems a little low. I've played several players who are playing 100 or so games without any issues. Maybe raise the limit to 100? That there is some limit is a good idea I think. This site can be quite addictive and maybe people do take on more than they can really deal with.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Fifty seems a little low to me, too. Since there are a lot of people with around a hundred games in progress, who don't seem to suffer too much from this, why not set the limit to 150 or something like that?

tewaldUnited States flag
50 seems low to me, too, Miguel. I'm below that now because I'm splitting time between two sites, but when I was QA-only, I went over 50. The overall idea is good, though. Could I suggest 100 instead?

mustangmikeUnited Kingdom flag
IkeBrofolski is playing too many games - can't see the point - he's CampbellMarcel MkII ...

How can ANYONE play 870 games - and yet he hasn't been on here for a week and I've just claimed a game from him (in which he was up). Doesn't make sense.

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