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Topic: Players who resign without making a move
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Indeed, I don't see why the sanction of banning people from playing more than fifty simultaneous tournament games is being used to deal with a player who habitually resigns games against anyone rated over 1900 without playing a move.

The measure taken seems to have nothing to do with the behaviour it is trying to prevent. Further, it encourages anyone playing a little over fifty games to resign the games they're most likely to lose (those against higher-rated players) so that they can enter some more tournaments!

This makes no sense to me.

doranUnited States flag
Many of these comments should be under the subject please comment on 50 game rule. I hope that Miguel will find a different solution. It would be convienent for Miguel to have all coments about 50 games in one place.

razomanPhilippines flag
It would be nice to know their reasons for doing so.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
A variation on this theme is not to resign immediately, but to allow Fool's Mate. I've seen several games like this. Can't see the logic myself.

Even if you have no interest in playing strong players (coz you like to be a big fish in a small pond?) such players could at least play a few moves and then resign when they begin to lose.

StegyreUnited States flag
I know this player, too. I cannot say that he resigns out of fear of high players (not that I am all that high). He typically resigns half of his games against me, sometimes even when he is up and I expect to lose, and I believe that he beats me in about half of the other games, which he plays to the end. I've no explanation for why he does this. Maybe it's just that the development in some games interests him and others do not. However, I regret the resignations when the development in a game interests me. :-/

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