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Topic: I need help
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capmoBrazil flag

Man, why do these little words have to be so complicated?

I ain't know! :-P

becoBrazil flag

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

I ain't know!

Very clever 8-) , but to be nitpicking, is that possible? Maybe "I ain't got a clue" or something like that :-D

It's also fun to derive other words like "ain'tcha" out of it :-D

Of course, if you use it in a school essay it will always be wrong, even if you use it "correctly".

Just out of curiosity, why the initial enquiry anyway?

capmoBrazil flag

...is that possible?

I guess it ain't! But as richerby said:

- "ain't" is short for "am not", "are not" or "is not".
- we also have "ain't" meaning "has not" or "have not".

So, I imagine the next step will be to broaden its use by also making it mean "do not" and "does not" , though in this specific case I kinda like "dunno". :-D

razomanPhilippines flag
I am sure Tewald will have some words on this.

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