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Topic: I need help
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maeatonUnited States flag
English is a strange language. Consider this question. "Where was the man when he jumped off the bridge?" If you say he was on the bridge then that would have been before he jumped. If you say he was in the air then that would be after he jumped. So where was he then? I ain't got a clue.

tewaldUnited States flag
That's not just English, though; it would be the same in any language. It depends on how you define "jumped", I suppose.

becoBrazil flag
Hi Maeaton,

The way I see, if you understand "was" as past of "jump", then to be able to perform a jump one has to have his foot at the support floor. So, he "was" on the bridge just before the jump. 8-)

I think the main problem here is the word "when", that indicates a continuous development of action. "When" is not "before" neither "after"!


PhilidorUnited States flag
This topic should be in a "off topic". Double negative is a weak English. The language is a confusing and a weak. For example "Left" as in "go in left direction" or "left behind" right as it "go right direction" or " be correct" And this example is a drop in a bucket. The language needs more words, too many definitions for one word.

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