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Topic: What? "Maximum number of open games reached"?
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tempiiUnited States flag
This message pops up when I want to create new game: "The maximum number of open games has been reached. Please wait until some of the games start."

Meantime I can not use any already posted open games because of they rating restrictions.
So I can not post myself but can not use posts made by others... How then I get opponents via "Open Games" link?

tempiiUnited States flag
I understand that server needs to conserve resources, etc. but this is just wrong. I think server should simply limit number of posts per individual user and not global number of total posts.
With current application logic one user might flood the system with posts setting opponent rating to some very high number. No one would be able to join the game but no one also could post new games in "Open Games" screen.

miguelUnited States flag
You are right. The 20 maximum is really outdated, the server as it is can handle much more than that, so I increased this limit.

Will look into implementing a maximum of open games per player as you suggest.


tempiiUnited States flag
Thank you Miguel. Great site.

phystutordotcomUnited States flag
rather than limit # of posts per player, It would be better to rank posts first by how many older posts that player has second by date of post. In this system miguel could have 30 posts but if Mr. New had no posts and made a post it would be listed after miguels first post and his 30th would be deledted if that exceeded the maximum.

At one point I had 12 posts, but they were open to anyone. I thought one would be snapped up quickly opening a space for others and after a few hours I would have 12 more games. If someone really wanted to diplace one of my posts they could have accepted the game then deleted it thereby creating a spot.

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