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Topic: false check-mate
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marlonmeiraBrazil flag
what happens if one says check-mate when it isn't actually a mate, but rather a simple check? is there any penalty?

becoBrazil flag
I think you are not allowed to say check or check-mate. You may disturb your opponent.

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
I don't think there's actually a penalty, but it's considered proper etiquette not to announce check or mate (even if it's allowed, which I'm not sure). On the contrary, in the 19th century mates were even announced.

A funny thing happened once when I was playing blitz with someone at my local club, I was in my last seconds (I'm usually very slow) but in the middle of a king hunt and at one point I boastfully announced "mate", but to my surprise he just smiled and moved his king away, which completely threw me off, by the time I realized what happened I had lost on time. I think I actually had a mate in 2 or 3 in the final position. :-D

tewaldUnited States flag
When I played in a club several years ago I was playing a pick-up game against someone MUCH better than I. I made my move, and he laughed at me, telling me that his flag was down, but now he had mate. Actually, he had mate in two, so when he made the first of the two moves I called "Flag" and won on time. ;-)

Only time I ever beat him. It was cheap, but it was definitely fun. :-(O)

rubenovColombia flag
i thought that is some places it was customary to call a king check as well as a queen check...

becoBrazil flag
To say check when the King is under attack is understandable, but not used because you must play in silence.

But to call a Queen check in unacceptable! The King, if not taken care, would lead to an illegal move. But the Queen, if the opponent don't move, you can take and win a piece! If you call his attention, you are giving him advice!


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