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Topic: A Test, 10 questions.
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
We got a score of 7 out of 11, 63.63%
Not bad, but still not good enough.
The correct answers were;
1.Tsar Nicholas II by Richerby
2.Lasker,Capablanca,Tarrash,Alekhine,Marshall by GreyRaven
3.The Persian worth SHAHK-Mahte by Twinigo and an exellant explanation by Capmo
7.Che Guevara by GreyRaven
8.Nigel Short by Twinigo
10.1924, Federation Internationale Des Echecs by Twinigo
11.Ray Duque III by Twinigo

The onces missed:
4.Grob attack
5.Tall crushed Fisher by 4-0, the Magician from Riga
6.Vladimir Afromeev from Russia
9.(and before Richerby starts to be picky on me; the first Olympiad was held in Budapest in 1926 under auspician of the FIDE, What is called the "1st.Olympiad" was held in London in 1927. Lucky me...the answer is the same..)
Hungary and the last winner is Armenia

Well, not to bad, but not good enough.
No prices this time.
(Lucky Me and Lucky Ray)

Lets try again, I,ll make it more easy..

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
1.Who was the first Woman World Champion?

2.What is called "Alekhine,s Gun"?

3.What is the name of the "Goddess" of chess?

4.Where does the name Elo-rating comes from?

5.What is the shortest possible chessgame ending in mate, and what is it called?

6.What is called the "Kotov Syndrome"?

7.Who was the number 1 player from Queen Alice before Gambitshark took over first spot?

8.What is the name of the chess-engine (program) which was the first to defeat Gary Kasparov?

9.1.Nh3 is called the Amar opening. What nickname this irregular opening has got, and why?

10.Who was the first official World Champion Chessplayer? (1886-1894)

RayDuque3United States flag
kloosterveen, I like your first questions 1 to 10b especially the last question. Let me answer those questions but I can only answer two questions. The number 6 and number 10b. Here's the answer to those questions. I don't know if the number 6 is correct which you already answer it but the number 10b is 100% correct.

6- Raymond Duque, my nephew from Texas.
10b- Myself, Ray Duque III

I like your questions. That means I'm becoming famous which I like it. I hope you will ask and use my name again not only at queenalice but anywhere so I will be famous. Thank you so much.

Ray Duque III
New York City

RayDuque3United States flag
5- Three or four moves. I don't know what you call it.

Where's my name on it?

Ray Duque III
New York City

GileCARSerbia and Montenegro flag
5 -two moves ... something like f4 (f3 also possible:) ) e5 g4 Qh4#

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