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Topic: A Test, 10 questions.
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kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Allright Ray, you scored 1.5 point in 2 questions. Not bad at all. 10b is correct and nr.6 only for 50%. Ray Duque from Texas (the famous nephew) is not a grandmaster yet and gives you 0,5 point, but I can,t find his name in the Top 100 playerslist.
Good answer by Gil, it was Deep Blue who beated Gary Kasparov in 1996. Deep Thought was the first chess-engine to beat an International Master in 1989; David Levy
And GileCar gave the correct answer as well, only 2 moves; 1.f3 or f4-e5 or e6 2.g4-Qh4#
But what is it called?

just got a fantastic 1st.price offer;

A complete free online internet course for;

by the one and only

RayDuque III
New York City

(start polishing your dancing shoes ;-) )

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
1. Vera Menchik
2. A battery of two rooks and a queen on the same file
3. Caissa
4. Prof. Arpad Elo, a Hungarian statistician
5. 1.f3/f4 e5/e6 2.g4 Qh4# (or transpositions) fool's mate.
6. Thinking for a long time and then making a (bad) move that you haven't analyzed because you're short of time.
7. Bergman
8. Deep Blue
9. The Ammonia Attack -- NH3 is the chemical formula for ammonia. (Likewise, 1.Na3 is known as the Sodium Attack, since Na is the symbol for sodium.)
10. Wilhelm Steinitz

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Well done David,
All of them are correct, it only seems to me, if you change positions of the "fool,s mate", you get 3 moves. White has another move, which one ever.(except f3 or Nf3 of course)
"Pentotal" gave me by private message the answers as well, but he missed the right answer on nr.9.
Hope you like like dancing as much as you do like chess :-(O)
I will inform RayDuque III, New York City

Leo Junior 25th.
Kloosterveen City

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
No, only two moves: White must move his f-pawn one or two squares and his g-pawn two squares, in either order. Black must move his e-pawn one or two squares and then move his queen to h4.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Just one more note on question 9.
Pentatol had also right calling the Amar-opening, the Paris-opening. This is even mentioned at the Queen Alice opening-browser

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