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Topic: How many different positions can occur in the game of chess?
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

beco wrote: Oh well... Yes, draws must be claimed... Or else, this simple example is sufficient to show an infinite game: [...]


But still: if the game has time control, it will be finite (No matter how big! Can be a life-time!)

Actually, you don't need a time control for this argument. Every game of chess is, by definition, a finite sequence of moves -- there's no way to define an `infinitieth' move. However, although every game is finite, there's no limit to how long the game can go on. (Note that, with a Fischer clock, there's no need to run out of time and somebody could take over if one of the players looked like dying. ;-) )

becoBrazil flag

Richerby wrote: somebody could take over if one of the players looked like dying.

No way! This is too much! I never heard of any tourney or official game which a player who died is substituted. You die, game over. :-P
(The better you can do is adjourn the game to play in heaven - or hell - when you opp. also die. But if one goes to one place and the other to another, then the game must be called finished.)

andreavbBrazil flag
But if one goes to one place and the other to another, then the game must be called finished.)

Who'd be the winner? The one that went to heaven, because he was a good guy/girl; or the one that went to hell, because he can cheat and take his opponent's queen/rook with him? :)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
That is a good one,
one to remember

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
but to be sure he wins, the bad guy/girl should take his good opponen,t king with him :-P

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