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Topic: How many different positions can occur in the game of chess?
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becoBrazil flag


The white q pawn and black k pawn can move to d6 and e3 respectively. Then each can capture a knight on e7 and d2 repectively. Hence more than 10 Bishops are possible. I think the maximum number of Bishops Knigghts or rooks is 19

Hum... Indeed! Very creative!

FlipFirst Move   Previous MoveNext Move   Previous Move (with variations)Next Move (with variations)   Last Move

1. a4 a5 2. Na3 Na6 3. c4 c5 4. Nc2 Nc7 5. b4 b6 6. b5 Nf6 7. Nb4 cxb4 8.
Nf3 Na6 9. bxa6 b5 10. c5 b3 11. c6 b4 12. e4 d5 13. e5 Ne4 14. Ng5 Nc3 15.
dxc3 Qd6 16. exd6 e5 17. c4 d4 18. c5 Rb8 19. Ne6 fxe6 20. Qg4 Rb5 21. axb5
e4 22. Qg6+ hxg6 23. g4 Rh5 24. gxh5 g5 25. h6 g6 26. h4 g4 27. f4 g5 28.
h5 e5 29. f5 a4 30. f6 e3 31. b6 e4 32. h7 g3 33. h6 g4 34. Rh2 gxh2 35.
Ra2 bxa2 36. Be2 h1=B 37. Kf1 g3 38. a7 Be6 39. Bf3 a3 40. Kg1 g2 41. Kh2
a1=B 42. Bg4 g1=B+ 43. Kh3 Kf7 44. h8=B Kg6 45. h7 Kh6 46. f7 a2 47. d7 Be7
48. Be5 d3 49. Bh2 Bef6 50. f8=B+ Bg7 51. h8=B Bb2 52. a8=B a1=B 53. c7 53... Bf6
54. c8=B Bg5 55. b7 e2 56. d8=B e1=B 57. b8=B 57... b3 58. Bcb7 Bec3 59. c6 e3
60. c7 e2 61. c8=B e1=B 62. Ba6 d2 63. Ba8b7 63... b2 64. Bd7 b1=B 65. Bdc7 d1=B
66. Bhd6 Bea2 67. Bcf4 Bcb2 68. Bge6 Bhe4 69. Bfe7 Bgc3 70. Bcd8 Bed2 71.
B6c7 Bdc1 72. Bfd6 Bec2 73. Bd4 Bf2 74. Bda7 Bfe1 75. Bbc8 Bgd2 76. Bab7


OnceuponEngland flag

But still: if the game has time control, it will be finite

Not if the players move infinitely quickly :-P

RayDuque3United States flag
Plenty of different positions.

Ray Duque III
New York City

OnceuponEngland flag
A few, yes.

At least ten million trillion trillion trillion of 'em :-P

There are more possible chess positions approx 10^120 than there are elementary particles in the known universe approx 10^80

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