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Topic: I am half lost in the openings!
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oimbativelBrazil flag
Ola friends, somebody can give tips to me on openings? I thank Carlos. :-O

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Some general `rules' for the opening, from looking at a couple of your completed games.
1) Develop your pieces; control the centre.
2) Don't move a piece twice before you've developed every piece, unless you have a good reason.
3) Don't play a3/h3/a6/h6 unless you have a good reason. The main good reasons are a) your opponent is threatening to put a piece on b4/g4/b5/g5 and that would be a good move for him or b) your king needs an escape route.

m_2788Brazil flag
Select a couple of openings with white and other with black and improve them. Remember, its alowed to consult opening books and also your data base. So you can learn it better and try to get out of them with an endgame that suites your taste.
Remember engines are not alowed ;-)

Best regards!

RayDuque3United States flag
My only opening is e4. I don't know why. Maybe that's the only opening I know.

Ray Duque III
New York City

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
I would advise against studying specific openings at this stage. There's no point in knowing the Ruy Lopez for even ten moves if you don't understand why the moves are good. Stick to general principles for now.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
I agree with Richerby. But on the other site, what m_2788 suggest makes sense as well. I myself try to reduce the amount of openings by playing always the same, as far as possible. Other openings I try only playing "on the board" and on other sites where I am playing, just for training, and don,t bother about my rating.

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