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Topic: Questionable wins
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andreavbBrazil flag
A player challenged me to 2 games once, and resigned both of them. So, I reported the incident to Miguel and didn't accept his next challenges.


The most interesting thing is that the resignation at the second game came with an "I love you" message!!! Can you believe that? :O

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

The most interesting thing is that the resignation at the second game came with an "I love you" message!!! Can you believe that? :O

Secret admirer? :-D

chuckvondraUnited States flag
Thanks Kloosterveen for the quick and thorough response. It is not my aim to "rat out" anyone, but I am new to the site, and this seems irregular. The game I am in is in fact with Zyzynho. I am not sure I see the point in their hijinks.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
I know it is Zyzynho Chuck! But I think Zyzynho and Zyvaldo are one and the same person, or at least friends. Sonolento and draco0999 as well. And it is very simple, you just need to check their games.
I realize you don,t like to make problems for others, but as you say; It is irregular!
I saw it happen on other sites as well, and I believe that sanctions should be taken, to affoid this unfair play becomes regular here.
Please read also the comment from Gambitshark, our No.1 player at the moment. I am sure, almost everyone here at Queen Alice thinks like that!


chuckvondraUnited States flag
I agree the imposter should be exposed. I will leave it to you "vets" to determine next steps. If there is anythig you think i should do, please let me know. If this person chooses to continue our game, I will endeavor to administer the thrashing he deserves.


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